Monday, July 13, 2009

The Egg

Watercolour 18" x 12" on 140lb Arches
I love chickens. Maybe I watch them too much. I did several versions of this painting before I got what I wanted. I don't want to say how many, my partner thought I was becoming obsessed, me who usually does not usually agonize over a painting. This one just haunted me till I got it right. This is going to be in my upcoming two person show in Tatamagouche, NS, Rural Routes. I am doing this show with another artist, Susan Sweet, who is well known for her luscious painting of cattle and horses. Her blog is The show is in the Fraser Cultural Centre Gallery and runs July 31-opening night- to September 1, 2009.
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  1. what a great picture. I like how the foreground chicken's body echoes the egg shape at bottom.
    Looking forward to Rural Routes!

  2. marilyn thomson (marilhomson@gmail.comFebruary 2, 2012 at 2:18 PM

    how to purchase a painting?
