Thursday, March 31, 2011

Storm at Sea

Storm 1
7" x 5" watercolour

I really had fun with this one. At one point it 'bloomed' on me, but I just worked with those edges and poured on more paint. I also let it dry for a few days and I think that helps.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Wet brushes again!

both Watercolour 5" x 7"
After some serious angst, I just started splashing some paint around. Watercolour is an easier place for me to start and I am comfortable with it. I tried a small oil, but after two hours and a knot in my stomach, I wiped it. The little canvas no longer mocks me as I wiped it and took charge! Ha!
It feels good though. I am working on some more abstract-ish seascapes.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Circling the Studio....

No pictures, except a new photo for my dashboard!
I just realized it has not been a full year since my last post...this is reassuring! I have been blocked--okay I know I am the only person to ever experience this, that is why it is so uniquely painful! It is a longer story than I want to go into, but it has been a complicated year with some major losses and family transitions. My call away from art making to taking care of family is something I just had to do. Now I am circling the studio. Have been for some time. I cleaned it out (after some renos in other parts of the house). Then re-arranged it and built new shelving. Abandoned it. Yesterday I went down to just be there. Ended up vacuuming the stairs--dust on them don't you know!
I did find a new easel that will not have my paintings popping off and landing face down on the floor-we are talking oils here.
Still a lonely room.
So I circle. I think about painting all the time. Imagine paintings, compositions.
How to return? It feels like I (I, Me) have such heavy expectations! Okay, so maybe we just go down and play. Yes. That is a start.